Friday, April 8, 2011

Planning Ahead 101

This morning I met with a young woman who impressed me for the first five minutes of our conversation.  This young woman, let's call her Beth, was able to clearly articulate what she hoped to do this summer, after graduation, and was both personable and polite.  Perhaps most impressive, she had already applied for several internships, secured several interviews, and was working on putting together her internship "Plan B" for the summer.

However, when Beth proceeded to ask me about summer funding opportunities through our office - a small part of my career counselor heart died a little.  Now, all applications for summer funding were due last week.  Beth, who might have made an excellent candidate for one of our 30+ $3,000 grants for unpaid internships, had missed the boat.  Don't get left standing on the dock, plan ahead! Oh, and read any e-mail from your career center with the word funding in the subject line.

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